Thursday, January 10, 2013

Getting the party started!

as seen on facebook... YUM!

 Okay... I started a new blog.  From the title, you can correctly assume that I am on a journey to find my Inner Goddess!  I know she's there, but currently she looks more like the Earth Goddess than the Goddess of Love!

Speaking of LOVE - My Handsome Husband still sees that Goddess that's inside - He thinks I am beautiful.  I love him all the more for that! Like in the movie 'Shirley Valentine' (old movie, but hilarious!) "He kissed me stretch marks!"

So anyway... I plan on using this 'tool' to motivate me in to losing that 35+ pounds, toning this body of mine, and getting to be more confident in WHO I am and what I am DOING!

I hope that you join me on my crazy journey.  I will try to be somewhat sane while doing this!  I also plan on sharing tasty tidbits of knowledge and wisdom along the way.

See you around!

-your Hostess Cupcake!
(can I still refer to Hostess?!?)

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