Friday, February 8, 2013

like the Nike commmercial...

...Just Do It!

That is what I keep telling myself.  In order for change to happen, I Just NEED to Do It!  Whatever IT is... be it exercise, change the way I eat, move, positive attitude, and learning Self-Love...

Just Do It!

I need to do this for ME.  Not for anyone else but me.  If I don't do these changes for me, but for someone else, then the changes will not be a part of who I am and who I am Becoming.  If I do not do these changes for me, then they will mean nothing, and I truly am not vested in the project.

When you do things for  yourself, you KNOW what the reasons are behind the changes and you know the goals that you are working towards.  Yes, you want to lose weight, but WHY do you want to lose weight?  Only you can answer that question, and by answering that question, you have that deeper motivation to get there.

However, make sure that you follow the WHY down the Rabbit Hole.  It is more than a simple "I want to lose ten pounds."  Discover the Why of that goal... what brought you to consider this change in the first place, and KNOW why you are going on this journey.  If you don't know the Why, you won't have the Heart to follow through.

When you have set a goal, know the reasons you have set this goal and then you are able to....

Just Do It!

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