Monday, February 11, 2013


30 Days of Change!

 I was looking at High website today and saw this 30 Days of Fear Challenge... and it got me to think.  What a neat thing to do - challenge yourself for 30 days to do things you normally wouldn't haven't or do those things you need to do!  However, I didn't like the title, so I changed it to "30 Days of Change!"  I am already embarking on a huge change at the moment, so thought that I would challenge myself to do just that!

You must do at least one of the following each day (not all three):
  • Something that makes you scared (a little or a lot)...
  • Something you’ve been putting off.
  • Something you’ve never done before.
  • Learn Something new! 
  • Something to Pamper Yourself!

In my book blogging world, I sign up for challenges to help me read different types of books.  Why not do something that for my real-world life - the one I live outside of books.  Yes, I must come out from the stories I read and interface with the real world.  What a perfect thing to do!

So, I starting my 30 Days of Change TODAY! I have started a 21 Day elimination diet wherein I remove 7 high Food Intolerance foods, based on The Virgin Diet (no, you don't turn back into a virgin, nor do you throw virgins into an angry volcano...and hopefully won't have to worry about Unicorns talking your ear off!). Today, and for the next 20 days, I will not eat anything with: Eggs, Corn, Gluten, Soy, Peanuts, Artificial Sweeteners, and Dairy.  The hardest part will be the eggs and the corn.  I have been dancing with dairy and gluten for the past several months, but always make an excuse to eat just a little.  Not for the next 21 days!

I will do a weekly check-in on how I've done for the past week.  I plan on doing many things that I have put off doing, especially for my schooling and business (to be!) and I will try to do a few things I have never done before, as well as a thing or two that I fear (like getting rid of eggs and corn for 21 days!)

Join me if you'd like!  Challenge yourself to CHANGE! Let's do this together and see where it takes us!

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